First we should explain children things related to computers, via games or videos and then we could use this type of exercises to know if they have learned something. Another way of integrating this type of exercises could be by giving them for example at first one in wich they have to draw how they think the inside of a computer is and then show them a picture or drawing of how the inside is in reality, this way we can know the level of knowlwdge they have about the topic
Exercise 1: Food Pyramid , an interactive worksheet by Marisa live Exercise 2: healthy habits Exercise 3: healthy habits Exercise 4: food pyramid , an interactive worksheet by ines ropero sen live exercise 5: food pyramid , an interactive worksheet by ines ropero sen live Exercise 6: Healthy and unhealthy , an interactive worksheet by ines ropero sen live Exercise 7 names , an interactive worksheet by ines ropero sen live Exercise 8 names , an interactive worksheet by ines ropero sen live EXERCISE 9 healthy meal , an interactive worksheet by ines ropero sen live EXERCISE 10
1. Class Dojo - - - great app for being in touch with students and parents it allows teachers to assign positive values to the class , and reinforcing teamwork and good behaviour - we decided it because my brother has used it in his school and I thought it was a very good option 2. It will be used for sending information about healthy habits and some great activities for our children too learn about it 3.
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